Sunday 25 August 2013

I live!

Apologies for being horrendously bad at blogging. At a market yesterday someone mentioned that they loved my blog and it got me thinking how slack I've been at updating. I tried a few times they just never got longer than a sentence or two. I promise to be better, maybe... If you do want to keep up with everything that's happening, facebook is where I tend to be best at staying alive and you get the bonus of seeing new work in progress and the finished product.

I had a crazy busy market season last summer and this summer is looking just as busy, if not more! Trips are in the planning stages to go to Nelson, Dunedin, Queenstown, Wanaka and places in between, not to mention everything happening in Canterbury.

Today I've been on a mission to get my website sorted, it's only taken two years... it should be live by the end of the week, just have to a few more things to sort out. And my blog got a makeover! Who noticed?

I'm also looking into getting prints done of certain paintings and also bookmarks and cards printed rather than me painting each and every one of them. Woohoo no more hours and hours and hours of making bookmarks!! Do I come across as too excited? :p There will still be some handmade bookmarks floating around but I'm aiming to spend more time on making other art.

An artists blog shouldn't be published without some photos of some of that art stuff so here is a few photos of what went to Kaiapoi Art Expo this year. It went fantastically, sixteen works went, eight found new homes from there and a further three found new homes within a week. One step closer to world domination!

In omnia paratus finished and Meeting of the minds in progress.
In omnia paratus
Ink and watercolour
Meeting of the mind
Ink and watercolour
Not Ready Yet
Mixed Medium
One Day